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Home > english-chinese > "fixed assets for production purposes" in Chinese

Chinese translation for "fixed assets for production purposes"


Related Translations:
assets:  (资产):企业所拥有的资源。相对中国会计科目的中英文对照 一、资产类资产,财产资产来源资产类
table purpose:  肉用
nonoperating assets:  非营业资产
corporate assets:  公司资产总部资产
hidden asset:  帐外资产
assets value:  记为资产价值资产值
dollar assets:  货币资产
assets liquidity:  资产的流动性
enabling assets:  辅助资产
free asset:  自由资产
Example Sentences:
1.The peasant and herdsman households own large amounts of means of production , and the average fixed assets for production purpose are worth more than 8 , 000 yuan per household
Similar Words:
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