Chinese translation for "fixed assets for production purposes"
- 生产用固定资产
Related Translations:
assets: (资产):企业所拥有的资源。相对中国会计科目的中英文对照 一、资产类资产,财产资产来源资产类
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The peasant and herdsman households own large amounts of means of production , and the average fixed assets for production purpose are worth more than 8 , 000 yuan per household 农牧民家庭大都拥有数量可观的生产资料,平均每户农牧民家庭拥有的生产性固定资产价值达8000元以上。 |
- Similar Words:
- "fixed assets depreciation reserves" Chinese translation, "fixed assets disposal" Chinese translation, "fixed assets disposal proceeds" Chinese translation, "fixed assets expenditure" Chinese translation, "fixed assets for non-production purposes" Chinese translation, "fixed assets formation" Chinese translation, "fixed assets in use" Chinese translation, "fixed assets inventory loss" Chinese translation, "fixed assets inventory profit" Chinese translation, "fixed assets inventory shorts" Chinese translation